Thursday, December 25, 2008



A kind person is compassionate and he seeks to ease another person’s pain. He takes the time to soothe another person’s anxieties, fears or anger. He uplifts the down-hearted and the discouraged with kind words. He knows that a kind word is often sufficient to make a sad person smile.

A kind heart is a friendly heart. Thus he extends kindness by being a friend. He shares their concerns and their sufferings. He listens patiently. He offers the glad hand of friendship and extends goodwill towards others. So do I hasten to search out his virtues whenever I happen to see his faults? Remember, there is no happiness like that of a person whose heart is filled with goodwill towards others.

One thing a kind person always avoids is to hurt others with his criticism and sick jokes. Although some people will take advantage of our kindness, we should never be afraid to be kind since kindness will do us no harm, brings us no bitterness and cause us no regrets.

Henri Nouwen tells us, “Being kind is a human attribute. When we say, ‘She is a kind person’ or ‘He surely was kind to me,’ we express a very warm feeling. In our competitive and often violent world, kindness is not the most frequent response. But when we encounter it we know that we are blessed.
(plagiarized from carmen lin,26-12-08)

malas wanna type out wat i'm feeling rite i just copied and pasted..tis happen in real life ....sigh~

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